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Booking for Autumn Winter 2024 is now live!

Every year we need to raise over £350,000 to support our artistic and Creative Learning programmes

We’re proud of our diverse projects and programmes, but they rely on funding to ensure we can reach the communities they support. A one-off monthly gift would help us fund activity such as Zone Club, our monthly creative arts project for learning young disabled people and adults, or our Young Artists Programme.

Legacies and other donations are vital, enabling us to stage ambitious concerts which would not otherwise be possible, reach out to new audiences young and old, nurture the next generation of musical talent, and bring music to people across the region through our many creative learning and community projects.

As a charity, just under two thirds of our income is derived from ticket sales, events and other earned income. The rest we need to fundraise through grants, private donations, public funding and income from the Centre’s Endowment.