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Give £20 (or more or less) to keep youth music education alive in Wiltshire

If you love facts you’ll love this one – our youth orchestra leaders, Tim Redmond (West of England Youth Orchestra) and Mike Daniels (Wiltshire Youth Jazz Orchestra) have both been leading their respective youth orchestras at Wiltshire Music Centre for over 20 years each!

To celebrate this we’re asking for £20 to mark each of the 20 years they’ve devoted to the progression of youth music education, which is sadly currently underfunded and under supported. To give to this brilliant cause (and you can give less or more of course), use the donation slider below, or ring the Box Office and quote the 20 for 20 campaign.

According to a Royal Northern College of Music article, only 5,000 students in England took A level music in 2023, down 45 percent since 2010, and the Independent Society of Musicians identified a 36 percent drop in GCSE level pupil numbers.  So our youth orchestras play a very valuable role in supporting students with talent and interest in playing music. But why is playing music in orchestras important for young people?

Well there are many reasons including:

  • Learning to work as a team
  • Combatting loneliness and social isolation
  • Increasing feelings of well-being
  • Improves self-esteem and happiness

Thank you for your support!

As it costs at least an additional £10,000 for one course of WEYO, we are asking for £20 to mark each one of Tim Redmond’s 20 years at the helm.

With £20 you can help towards:

  • Costs for a guest artist or tutos
  • Music hire for some of our amazing repertoire
  • Help towards the running and administration of the courses
  • Help getting our players to the centre for courses

Thank you for all your support

Q&A with WEYO conductor Tim Redmond

Celebrating 20 years of our much-loved conductor Tim Redmond, read our Q&A to find out about Tim's highlights working under the baton of the West of England Youth Orchestra.

Read the Q&A

Q&A with WYJO leader Mike Daniels

To celebrate 20 years of inspirational and award-winning jazz educator Mike Daniels, we asked him to share highlights of working with the Wiltshire Youth Jazz Orchestra (WYJO) and our youth jazz programme at Wiltshire Music Centre, plus our upcoming Big Jazz Weekend.

Read the Q&A